Golf Swing Analyzers: Are They An Intelligent Investment?

Golf Swing Analyzers


Many of us looking to improve our golf game understand it’s a difficult task to do alone. Some of us lack knowledge on the game, don’t have the necessary resources or just understand that help is required when mastering a craft like the golf swing.

The biggest factor when trying to improve your swing, is figuring out what you’re doing wrong with your mechanics and how to fix them. In order to diagnose your golf swing, you must create an analysis of it, in one way or the other…

This brings us to the need of  Golf Swing Analyzers


golf swing analyzer

Different Types

There are many different types of golf swing analyzers. This is in terms of how advanced they are and that the features each golf swing analyzer provides will vary. Some may be better suiting for others and some people might not have a desire for them at all. Lets take a lot at the different options:

There are very basic golf swing simulator apps you can download on your mobile device to use. What majority of these apps do is they will capture your swing (using your phone of course) and analyze your golf swing in full detail. An example of this is the V1 Golf App, which not only provides an analysis of your golf swing but you can also receive lessons from a V1 Golf Pro.

As you get more advanced, there are golf swing analyzers where you can attach a devices to each one of your golf clubs. From there, the devices analyze data involving your golf swing and track your distance, ……. The best example of a golf analyzer like this, is the “Arccos Golf Tracking System”

There are also analyzers that focus more on portability if you are looking to seriously track your game-to-game data and not have to worry about lugging around extra weight. It’s similar in the way that you attach it to your golf clubs and it tracks your swing data as you play. The “Swing Caddie SC200” would be a great option when looking for ease of portability.

If you’re a hardcore golfer and looking to get a really advanced system, the “Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor” would be a great way to go. It is highly recognized as it’s the official launch monitor of Golf Digest and was ranked “2020 best launch monitor” by “MyGolfSpy”. This analyzer has features that produce an in depth analysis of your golf swing with top of the line industry swing technology.

Golf Swing Analyzers vs. In-Person Training

In-Person Golf Training is usually a one-on-one or class setting where you have an instructor teach and improve your golf game mechanics. This would generally be for more serious golfers or someone with a lot of money. However, there are also many benefits to having in-person training.


Golf Trainer


Pro’s of In-Person Training

  • The level of professionalism you receive may be much greater than with most Golf Swing Analyzer products
  • 1-on-1 with experts
  • Guaranteed to see progress with teaching
  • Generate a better understanding of mechanics and principles
  • The use of high end training facilities
  • Will have golf swing analyzer technology with the training (For some)


Con’s of In-Person Training

  • Generally very expensive, hundreds of dollars per hour
  • Can Be Time Consuming
  • May not be necessary depending on your golfing goals
  • Scheduling hours will vary


How Much Do Analyzers Cost?

Of course the costs for golf analyzers depends on which one you get. They can range anywhere from 0-thousands of doallars but in the long run would be much cheaper than doing in-person training. For this Section I will provide the costs of the analyzers previously discussed above.

  • V1 Golf App: Free
  • Arccos Golf Tracking System: $300
  • Swing Caddie SC200: 
  • Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor:  $499.99


Are Golf Swing Analyzer’s Worth The Money?

To finally answer whether golf swing analyzers are really worth the investment, we first need to look at your situation. The reality is, If you don’t have much money and are a casual golfer, i’d recommend the free-app, combined with some other methods of golf training.

If you’re a more advanced golfer and are very set on buying a more advanced golf analyzer but can’t justify the cost of some of the one ones listed above, there is also the “Zepp Golf App” which provides similar features as the ones above at a cheaper price of about $150. This would be a great option if you’re looking to cut some costs but still being able to improve your golf game.

The truth is you really get what you pay for when it comes to these golf swing analyzers, the more money you pay generally the better quality and quantity of technology and training you will receive. Not everyone can afford to drop this kind of money or may not even need to go to this extent to improve their game which is why there is the need for alternative golf training methods.

Golf Ball


Alternative Golf Training Methods

If you are looking to improve your golf game but find the golf swing analyzers to be much too money or wish to further develop your your mechanics of the game, like improving your golf swing, there are also other alternatives to consider.