How To Easily Improve Your Golf Swing – 4 Methods

How To Improve Your Golf Swing?

This article will go over some basic golfing tips, ways to analyze your golf swing and some other methods that may be beneficial to people looking to improve their golf swing. Please keep in mind we are not golf professionals but do have some experience playing the game and a ton of research on the sport itself. Look at this as an article providing you with resources to further develop your golf game.

Improve Your Golf Swing Method #1: Basic Golf Swing Tips

When trying to improve your Golf swing, there are numerous methods to go about it. It all depends on how serious you really want to get as a golfer. When it comes down to the basics of golf, there is a lot to learn and perfect in order to be a consistent player. This article is going to give you some tips on how to improve your swing and also offer some alternatives for more golfers looking to get more out of their swing.

At first it’s not about trying to produce the best golf swing/shot. Just to clarify, this isn’t an expertise golf training or technique based article but there are golfing basics that are well known and should be practised. Consider these some of the first fundamentals of learning what produces a decent golf swing.

These would include:

  • Having a good griphow to improve your golf swing
  • Having a good set up (includes your stance, having a slight shoulder tilt, an athletic and stable golf stance to allow for knee bending)
  • Having good swing mechanics (on the back swing and follow through)



The biggest factor is keeping a consistent and natural swing with proper technique. But first we need to determine what your swing currently looks like. In order to do this, you will have to analyze your golf swing. There are a few different ways to do it.

Improve Your Golf Swing Method #2: Golf Swing Analyzers

For regular golfers you may already have an idea of how your swing looks, for beginners of the game you most likely don’t have the slightest clue. When golfing for beginners and even when looking to take your game seriously, it’s important to take a video of yourself hitting a golf ball so you can further diagnose and compare your swing to proper form and technique. Anyone looking to improve their golf swing must first see what the issues are regarding their form.


golf swing analyzer



From here you can do your own self diagnosis if you feel you know enough or there are other tools you can use to do this. There are many products that will analyze your Golf swing. Some of them are free to use. There’s apps that will evaluate your swing just like the “V1 Free Golf Swing Analysis and Instruction App”. It’s pretty convenient to use as it’s a mobile app, doesn’t cost any money and you get to connect with thousands of V1 Instructors who help with your golf swing.

There’s also a Golf Test you can take that help you identify possible golfing faults in your swing. The test focuses on how your swing may effect your primary attributes in golf; accuracy, consistency and distance and how to correct these swing mechanics. The test doesn’t require much as all that you will need is a bit of space, a 7-iron golf club and a golf ball.


Improve Your Golf Swing Method #3: Golf Swing Trainers

When you’re really ready to take your game to the next level you will most likely want to look into getting a trainer. Trainers; more specifically one-one trainers; are probably the most effective way to become a good golfer. There’s no doubt a professional will know the best ways to improve your golf game the fastest and eventually with the hope to help you perfect your game.

Golf Swing


With golf trainers, just having a few lessons can go a long way but they can be very expensive. This has been brought to attention by many people and there goal was to create something affordable for people looking to develop their golf game.

Improve Your Golf Swing Method #4: Stress-Free Golf Swing

Stress-Free Golf Swing


There are other effective alternatives like purchasing a Golf program perhaps from a pro golfer. All it would take is a quick google search from your favourite golfer and i’m sure there would be some decent options.  There are also books and tutorials you can purchase that are proven to help you build up your game. A product like Stress-Free Golf Swing has very good reviews and is a beneficial tool to help golfers simplify their swing. It includes a book (PDF) and 15 video’s on Ben Hogan’s secret to a perfect, stress-free golf swing. There’s also a review article of the product that you can Check Out Here