How To Strengthen Your Spinal Erectors

Why Train Your Spinal Erectors?

Training your spinal erectors is fundamental to achieving a strong and stable core, a cornerstone for overall physical health. The spinal erectors, a group of muscles running along your spine, play a crucial role in maintaining proper posture and spinal alignment.

By strengthening these muscles, you not only enhance your ability to perform a wide range of movements effectively but also significantly reduce the risk of back injuries and pain. Focusing on your spinal erectors is especially important in today’s sedentary lifestyle, where prolonged sitting can lead to weakened back muscles and poor posture. Effective training of the spinal erectors contributes to a balanced muscular system, supporting the spine in all activities, from everyday tasks to high-intensity sports.

Engaging in exercises that target these muscles ensures a robust back, improved posture, and a better quality of life. This article will guide you through the importance of spinal erectors in your fitness regimen, and how their strength plays a pivotal role in your overall physical wellness.


Key Takeaways

  1. Importance:
    • Spinal erectors are vital for maintaining proper posture and spinal alignment.
    • Strengthening these muscles helps in performing a wide range of movements and reduces the risk of back injuries and pain.
    • Especially crucial in counteracting the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Understanding:
    • Comprised of three main muscles: Iliocostalis, Longissimus, and Spinalis.
    • Key to maintaining a straight and neutral spine.
    • Weak spinal erectors can lead to back pain, poor posture, and spinal hyperextension.
  3. Identifying:
    • Signs include hyperextension in the back, rounded back or pelvic tilt, and consistent lower back pain.
  4. Exercises:
  5. Benefits of Strong Spinal Erectors:
    • Crucial for overall health and stability of the spine.
    • Can alleviate back and muscle pain.
    • Contributes to a stronger physique, better posture, and increased comfort.
    • Enhances athletic performance and daily functionality.


Spinal Erectors

What Are Spinal Erectors?

First off,

Your spinal erectors are responsible for keeping your spine straight and neutral. The Erector Spinae is the correct scientific term for these set of muscles and tendons that run the length of the spine. These muscles and tendons are responsible for mobility of the spine and weak erectors can create a lot of pain for your back and problems for your posture. The Erector Spinae is composed of three muscles: Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis. 

Learning how to target and use these muscles properly can help resolve many back problems you encounter throughout your life. It helps bring the spine back to neutral and supports the natural curve of the spine.

A lot of people underestimate the importance of having a strong back as a lot of muscle pain and aches can be associated with a weak back.


How Do I Know My Spinal Erectors Are Weak?

  • Hyperextension in your back
  • A rounded back or pelvic tilt
  • Constant lower back pain

These are only a few possible problems you may notice if your spinal erectors are weak. Even so, it is good practice to continue to strengthen and use your spinal erector muscles regularly to improve and maintain a healthy posture. Having bad posture or weak stabilizers can limit athletes of their full potential ability and interfere with natural movements of the body.

How to Strengthen Spinal Erectors?

The best way to train your Spinal Erectors are to use them with proper form to avoid injury.

There are multiple exercises that train or use your Spinal erectors. It’s important to choose exercises that isolate these muscles and tendons and with some of your other muscles in the equation, it causes your posterior chain to be worked effectively . These exercises not only target your Spinal Erectors but are also great for improving your overall mobility.


The Jefferson Curl

You have most likely seen people doing this movement or a variation of it in the gym. Pay close attention to how your hips and legs stay in place and it is not to be confused with any sort of hip hinge as we are targeting the mobility of the spine.


Check it out here for demonstration


This exercise will hit other muscles when performing the move but it will also effectively target your spinal erectors if performed correctly. Overall it will help improve your mobility and posterior chain health.


“Good Mornings” With a Resistance Band

This exercise is tremendous for activating the muscles in your posterior chain. Doing this exercise will strengthen your spinal erections and help build stability in your core to improve posture. All you will need for this is a resistance band.


For proper form and demonstration: Click Here

Deadlift/Romanian Deadlift

For experienced lifters the deadlift could be very beneficial for strentghening and even increasing how much weight you can lift.


Proper Deadlifting Form



For more inexperienced lifters, the Romanian deadlift would do just fine for mimicking the same way to target the spinal erectors as a normal deadlift, just using less weight and thus less stress on the back.It also describesthe other muscles the movement works in the video below.


Romanian Deadlift Demonstration

Benefits of Strong Spinal Erectors

  • Crucial for your spine’s overall health and stability
  • Can eliminate back/muscle pain
  • Stronger physique
  • Better posture
  • Overall comfort
  • Increase athletic performance and daily function


In conclusion, do not neglect training your spinal erectors. Whether you lift weights everyday or haven’t touched a dumbbell in your life, it’s important to keep a healthy spine in order to reduce pain and discomfort throughout your day-to-day routine. There are many benefits to improving your posture other than just relieving back pain and many people overlook the importance and tremendous impact having a healthy, strong body can have on your life.